The Cage of Perfectionism
I really had to address this when I began seriously asking myself the deep questions about my creative practice. There's nothing wrong with external positive feedback, but if I can't go on my own artistic journey without it, and can't tolerate unattractive work, I’m pretty much like a plane without a runway to take off. I'm never going to be able to do what it takes to develop and hone my skills.
The Cage of Consistency
Following that creative impulse up, down, and all over the place has been what made developing and coming into my own style and voice possible. And now, I feel like I'm naturally more consistent because I allowed that ‘finding’ process to unfold and organically move to refinement.
What Are Your Cages?
I want to be a voice that says to you from the outside that there are many cages that threaten to keep our winged brilliance from finding the sky.